The publishing of The Accidental Deputy is an exciting end to over 50 years of life experiences that shaped and matured every phase of my life. I did not ever think that I would write about being a woman deputy or even consider that anyone would be interested in reading about my “normal” life. Many people asked about my story and then said that I should write a book about the adventures.
But the real gratitude goes to a family no longer physically present but still influencing me from above as they did in my childhood. One of the biggest surprises of working on the book was that I actually—by writing down the story—found a peace that I did not feel growing up. My father, Eugene Earl Bauer, was a challenge and harsh and “picked” at me daily. He would push me to try everything including alcohol and was unfiltered in his language and actions. Until I put the words on paper I did not appreciate what he did to assist me in becoming the person I am today. My mother, Elsie Marie Hoover Bauer, was also a big influence—but the exact opposite of my father. She worked during my childhood as a paralegal in The Franklin County Prosecutor’s Office and her referral to the Sheriff’s Office for a temporary job changed my life and became a career turned into life-long values and ethics. My grandpa, Charles Herbert Hoover, who was an auditor, was the fun person who taught me to be one of the “guys” and shoot pool. My grandma, Clara Estel Myers Hoover, was the homemaker influencing my life while everyone else worked at their jobs. The four of them are to be thanked for their values and ethics with all the tough-love of that era that made me strong and persistent.
Thank you to my boss father, Sheriff Stacy Hall, Sr., who was a huge supporter and mentor. He saw something in me that I did not even know existed when he asked me to become a deputy and then personally oversaw the training I received. And also a thank you to the many wonderful male deputies in the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office in 1965, who literally became my big brothers and mentored and accepted me.
Thanks to the people at the American Automobile Association in Columbus, Ohio, who donated my cruiser and trained me to be a life-saver, speaker, and trainer.
A thank you for Thomas Albert Giles, my ex-husband who remembered our conversation back at the time when we said it just seemed to be the right job for me. He also shares Melinda (Mindi) Anne Giles Thomann, our daughter, with me. The entire Giles family, Jackie, Scott and Diana are always supportive and continued to be a shoulder for me even after Tom and I divorced.
A special thanks to my daughter Mindi for all the chats and analysis of her childhood and sharing her memories with me. My Mom’s photos were given to Mindi when Mom left us five years ago. Mindi found amazing articles and photos that are a wonderful addition to the book.
A shout out to Tricia Garner, who was teaching at Hillsborough Community College and invited me to speak on a panel with three other career woman. As I went to the event, I could not visualize how I could be of help to the college students and felt dwarfed in accomplishments to the other panelists. I left that day understanding that I “had” to write this book and realizing that my experiences could make a difference.
I also want to thank a long list of friends in no particular order that supported me and continually checked on my progress. Eryn Platt, Kirstie Wilson, Mary Lou Van Cott, Susan Jenkins, Jen Novak, Robby and Jenn Groover, Charley Ball, Sheree Johnson, Dave Parker, Paul Manfrey, Terri Hall, Sherri Sutton, Ron Regan, Chris Steed, Maria Walkiewicz, Scot Simmons, Leslee Moore, Mike Shea, Bonnie Anderson, Vinny Tafuro, Grace Anne Alfiero, Ann Marie Winter, and so many more who I hope will forgive me for not listing all of them.
Thanks to the following three people who wrote glowing endorsements for my book.
I really appreciate all the encouragement from Evergreen Life Services/HEAVENDROPt who understood and were excited for me to “repurpose.” My boss Sue Buchholtz, CEO who told me she was sad as my boss but excited for me as her friend. She wrote an awesome endorsement.
My appreciation goes to Dr. Maling Ebrahimpour, who has been a champion of my ideas and partner in my initiatives for over ten years. He wrote a wonderful endorsement.
And last but not least my friend Marc J. Lane, who shared Tim Brandhorst and Mandy Lane with me, for his endorsement. They have been wonderful coaches, supporters of my writing, and mentors throughout this process.